In a week I will be graduating and leaving this allegedly carefree college lifestyle behind. My graduate project has been presented, my book is printed, I just have one more research paper left to write and I'm out of here. But before becoming a grown up, I'm going to delay the real world for a little while longer and travel to Europe for a month.
Two years ago I studied abroad in Torino, Italy (pre-olympics) for the summer with my friend Amanda. After school we took a whirl-wind tour of france, spain, and germany. From my first day on the trip (or maybe it was the second after some sleep) I was hooked on travel. It was undoubtedly one of the best experiences of my life so far, and as soon as I got home I couldn't wait to go back. So I planned to take advantage of of the opportunity to give myself a graduation present, and take another trip. It is surprisingly difficult to convince people to take an amazing trip to Europe; I tried my parents, my sister, all my friends, and finally I found someone just as excited to travel as I am!
My very excellent traveling companion will be my friend and honorary little sis Amy from Post Falls. We have already had many adventures together traveling. In 2004, we went to Mobil, Alabama to brave the heat, humidity, unnaturally huge spiders, running leaves, and the bayou boardwalk to support my amazing sister at America's Junior Miss. Then in January 2006, we got to skip the first week of school to go watch T at Miss America. Whether away, or at home floating down the river or eating nachos on tv night, we and our families always have lots of fun and laughs.
Sometime last fall we booked our tickets from Seattle to London to seal the deal. So here's the plan...we fly into London on May 22. Then we'll spend time in Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Paris before returning to London for a couple of days and flying out on June 19. I would love to hear your favorite must-see experiences from any of those places. For now, I'm back to looking for hotels...I'll keep you updated.
Shannon! What an amazing time for you in your life right now! You are almost a college graduate and on your way to travel overseas to some of the most beautiful places in our world! I'm looking forward to reading your blogs about the adventures you and Amy embark on. Good luck. Love you lots! See ya soon!
I love the picture of the two travelers. You are going to have a great trip.
Since so many of us are living vicariously through you two, make sure we are living it up with a great adventure and lots of fun! I love you and will be praying for you.
we are all to be congratulated for doing very well with goodbye's. I cannot wait to hear from abroad! Cupcake got a package today! of course I will keep it here. Return address says VSD.
he had pistachio flavor which he does not like in anything else of course! the big big nut.
Hi girls!!! I finally figured out how to post you messages. Here's a message "I love you both!" And I'm insanely jealous of your world travels, gelatto, and hunky Italian men. Hmmmmmmmm that's all! Take pictures and buy cute things and have so much fun!! Loves from the U.S.
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