Monday, June 4, 2007

Alicante Caliente!

Hi everyone. It seems that you are all very good communicators, because you have all heard about our hotel woes even though we havent blogged about them yet! Suffice it to say that we are very happy that we decided to change hotels, we are feeling much safer and much happier in our new location. Today was a great restful day at the beach. I am happy to tell you that we are almost completely un-sunburned. Even Amy. Which is good since we went through an entire bottle of sunscreen just today!! If we got burned, we decided we would sue. :) While we were on the beach hiding under our umbrella and enjoying our books we drank some frozen lemon and orange granitas. yea! Last night after we finally got to the second hotel, we sat down for dinner at 10 after walking all around the Marina trying to kill time. However, we were still just about the only ones eating at such an early hour! I had seafood paella, my favorite! and I even got Amy to try the rice part of it. She didnt think it was too bad, although she still protests the food with eyes and legs being on our table! The weather is perfect here. I am not sure how hot it is, but it must not be too bad because I am not constantly quoting Marisha and saying "it´s hot!" We are having a hard time figuring out how hot it is in Post falls because we are getting varying reports from each of you. Some say its 90 others say a thousand, and another one says one million! is someone exaggerating here?? Aunt Colleen, we are gearing up to tell lots of stories in person. We are planning some skits to act out some of the funny things that happen to us. I think you will like it!! Tracey, you are a very good blogger. I hope you bought both pieces of the swim suit!! How is the new job?? They should give you a raise! We love hearing from all of you! Love, S


Dannell said...

oh it all sounds so beautiful and Spain has not previously been on my list! Perhaps it can be added. Make Amy try something Spanish tonight, no more pizza in Spain!

C.J. said...

I vote for skits!! I wish I were ther to eat food with eyes...blind food is freakish. Do potatoes freak Amy out too? We all talk about your trip all the time, we start conversations with 'what have we heard today?' Because we love and miss you!

Debbie said...

Oh I think the skits sound like fun. Let's all get together when you come home and we can watch the skits and laugh.
Today it is supposed to be in the low 80's and I really mean that.
Amy is good to taste new things even though she usually doesn't like them. I love you both!

Bob said...

Wonderful temperatures over the weekend-- 90°s... but cooling down now. We had a great time on the boat, but missed you both. And now that I know you like the "food with eyes".... we'll have to reconsider what we serve you here! (if you could just get Amy to start liking any of the seafood-- that would be an improvement!)

Have fun! (have we said that already?)

Unknown said...


OOPS... AUtocad caps lock again! Shannon knows what I mean. I'm half a page from finishing a plan, then I'll start the next one. so exactly what was so bad about the first hotel/neighborhood?

love dad/AF